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(561) 578-4977

Changed My Life

Hello Mr. Goldstein, I am the son of a former client of yours. I am not sure if you still remember me since I know that you have so many clients. My mother was the lady from Hungary who you were fighting for to keep in the U.S. Unfortunately, eventually she was extradited back home. Later, you helped to keep me in the states when the U.S. was trying to remove me. You asked me before my court date how did I do in high school, trying to gain some leverage by it in court, when I said that I was a straight C student. You said don’t worry, and tried to keep my spirits up. I’d like to first and foremost thank you for helping me in 2009. Soon after, my mother passed away and I enrolled in Broward College. I did very well, in fact I graduated with highest honors. The school also nominated me for the most prestigious transfer scholarship in the U.S. named the Jack Kent Cooke Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship. It is a scholarship that pays up to $30,000 a year for your bachelor’s, plus $50,000 for you master’s degree. The foundation only gives this to about 60 scholars in the country and I was one of them. Once I graduated, I was accepted to Pennsylvania State University’s (Penn State) Nuclear Engineering program. I will be starting in the upcoming fall. My point is that without your help, all this would have never been possible. You not only changed my life and future, but saved it and for that I am forever thankful. I hope that everything is well with you , your family, and firm and thank you once more.

Past Client