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Immigrant Labor Market Poses Risks to Undocumented Workers and the General Public

West Palm Beach visa attorney

Hiring a West Palm Beach Visa Attorney

The area of 44th Street and Broadway in West Palm Beach, Florida, is a popular location for undocumented workers to meet up with potential employers. These arrangements often require only a quick nod, a look or a wave from the drivers of vehicles in this area to one or more of the workers waiting for jobs. Unfortunately, this area of West Palm Beach has also become a favored hunting ground for agents of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The interactions between potential employers and undocumented immigrants can also pose threats to other drivers in the area and to those living and working nearby.

Dangers to Immigrants and Others

The appearance of ICE agents in the labor market that has sprung up at Broadway and 44th Street has resulted in immigrants fleeing the area and putting themselves and other people at risk. Many of these individuals are unable to find steady employment because of their undocumented status. One of the most practical ways to deal with this situation may be to provide these individuals with the services of a West Palm Beach immigration lawyer to begin the process of applying for a green card. This could allow these hard-working individuals to achieve the right to live and work in the United States legally.

The Value of a West Palm Beach Visa Attorney

For the undocumented workers who gather at 44th and Broadway, finding the right West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can be challenging. Families and individuals who have arrived here without documentation may find it difficult to obtain steady employment and to earn a living wage. Working with a qualified and experienced West Palm Beach visa attorney is often the best solution for those in need of help and support in obtaining the right to live and work in the United States.

Help form a West Palm Beach Visa Attorney

If you need a qualified West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, the experts at Pozo Goldstein can provide you with the right representation for yourself and your family. We work with you to determine the most effective and practical approach to your visa issues and other immigration-related matters. Our team includes a former judge and two former immigration prosecutors. This ensures that we have the legal expertise needed to present your case as effectively as possible in and out of court. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to schedule a consultation in our West Palm Beach office. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.