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Children in Legal Limbo After Parent Deportations


The sharp increase in deportations under the Trump administration has led to an unforeseen problem for families and agencies in the United States. Children left behind after their parents are deported may face an uncertain future. In many cases, these children could be sent to foster care or temporary shelters while a final disposition of their care and custody is made in the court systems.

Finding Family Members in the U.S.

Fears about deportation can prevent some immigrant grandparents from stepping forward to provide care for their grandchildren after parents are deported from the U.S. Undocumented individuals may have legitimate concerns that they will also be deported if they contact immigration authorities to accept temporary or permanent custody for minor children. In other cases, the need for identification like Social Security numbers and driver’s licenses can also present a significant barrier to custody and care for minor children.

Federal Actions Worsening the Situation

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) is primarily responsible for the care and custody of immigrant children after they are separated from their parents at the border or after their parents have been deported. Part of the Department of Health and Human Services, ORR has recently begun sharing information with the Department of Homeland Security about sponsors for children who are caught in the legal system. This can potentially lead to a chain reaction in which all family members who could reasonably be expected to care for immigrant children are putting themselves at risk of deportation simply by stepping forward to claim these vulnerable minors.

The Right Help Can Make a Big Difference

In many cases, seeking the legal counsel of a West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can provide a measure of protection for family members interested in caring for children left behind by parents who have been deported from the United States. Your West Palm Beach immigration lawyer will work with you to provide support in resolving your status with the authorities and to help you obtain custody of children who may be at risk after their parents have been removed from the U.S. through deportation proceedings.

At Pozo Goldstein, we can provide you with the services of a qualified and experienced West Palm Beach immigration lawyer to resolve problems with ORR and other federal agencies. We work with you to promote the most beneficial solutions for you and your family. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to set up a time for a consultation. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.