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Schools Provide Added Help for Immigrant Families

Undocumented Parents

School districts across the United States are making plans to protect their students if their undocumented parents are deported by Immigration and Customs Enforcement, better known as ICE. These steps are necessary because of the unprecedented increase in detentions and deportations since the Trump administration took office in January 2017. By providing parents with a framework for establishing custody of their children if they are deported, school districts can offer added peace of mind and security for students and their families.

A Series of Attacks on Immigration

The threat of deportation has been felt throughout the immigrant community. The Trump administration has made moves to discontinue Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and has increased arrests and deportations to a significant degree throughout the U.S. This has led to worries among legal and undocumented immigrants about what will happen to their families if they are detained or deported by ICE.

Childcare Safety Plans

Some school districts have begun distributing Childhood Safety Plans, which consist of documents that outline the preferred custody arrangements and caregivers for children if their parents are picked up by ICE. The documents include arrangements that allow designated caregivers to enroll children in school, sign them up for health care plans, authorize field trips and sign for extracurricular activities. This can provide greater flexibility and peace of mind for parents who are concerned about their status in the current political environment.

Other Services Also Available

In some cases, schools are also providing immigration workshops to help parents resolve issues with their status and avoid problems with ICE. Local school boards have also established policies prohibiting employees from sharing any information with ICE regarding parents and children at their schools. These policies can provide added security for families dealing with immigration issues and fears about deportation.

Resolving Immigration Status Issues

Working with a qualified West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can often provide added help for undocumented immigrants and their families. Your West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can provide you with expert guidance and representation in acquiring a green card, establishing lawful permanent residence and applying for citizenship. These steps can often provide much needed peace of mind for immigrants who may be worried about their families and their futures in the United States.

If you need the services of a qualified West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can provide you with the most effective and assertive representation for your situation. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to schedule a consultation with our expert attorneys. We look forward to the chance to serve you.