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Trump Shuts Down Government Over $5 Billion in Funding for Border Wall

West Palm Beach DACA lawyer

As federal employees worry about their financial responsibilities, President Donald Trump was planning a 16-day trip to the West Palm Beach area as recently as December 13, 2018. This tone-deaf approach to the issues facing federal workers during the shutdown forced by the Trump administration is emblematic of his entire presidency. This government shutdown was prompted by a refusal by Congress to bow to President Trump’s demand for $5 billion to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico.

Hostility to Immigrants Spills Over on American Workers

Trump’s insistence on building a wall to prevent Mexican and Central American immigrants from crossing over the border into the U.S. has already cost many federal workers dearly. The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) has provided many federal employees with letters to send to creditors asking for payment plans or arrangements to prevent financial disaster for those affected by the shutdown.

A History of Government Shutdowns

The Trump administration also presided over a shutdown in January 2018 over disagreements about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. This highlights the willingness of President Trump to use any means necessary to achieve his anti-immigration agenda. For those threatened by the harsh tactics promoted by the Trump administration and practiced by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), working with a West Palm Beach DACA lawyer can be a good first step toward legal residency and protections against adverse actions by ICE.

Why You Need a West Palm Beach Immigration Lawyer

Working with a qualified and knowledgeable West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can help you and your family to deal with issues with visa overstays, deportation proceedings and other issues that could pose threats to your ability to remain in the U.S. An experienced West Palm Beach DACA lawyer can provide the right support for recipients interested in achieving legal permanent residency status. This can help you and your family to resolve immigration issues more quickly and in the most practical way possible.

If you need the services of an experienced West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can provide you with the best representation possible for your case. Our team includes two former prosecutors in the immigration field and a former judge, which ensures the most knowledgeable representation for your immigration issues from start to finish. Call our office today at 561-578-4977 to schedule an initial consultation in our office. We are here to serve you and your family.