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After Reunions, Immigrant Families May Face Immediate Deportation

Immigrant Families

As more immigrant families are reunited with their children in accordance with a court order issued on June 26, 2018, many continue to be at risk of deportation from the U.S. According to immigration advocates, the Trump administration plans to deport as many as 1,000 recently reunited families in the near future. Attorneys in San Diego and Washington have filed requests to stop these deportations and to provide families with the opportunity to make their cases for asylum and the support of a qualified attorney. The fates of these parents and children could depend on the decisions made by U.S. immigration authorities.

Still Healing From Forced Separation

The court order issued by Judge Dana Sabraw in June required that children under the age of five be reunited with their parents within 14 days. The government had 30 days from the date of the court order to reunite all children under the age of 18 with their parents. These deadlines were not met, and federal agencies are still attempting to locate some children who were separated from their immigrant parents at the border. Even for families that have been brought back together, the trauma and stress of these events is expected to require a long period of recovery.

Finding a Way Forward for Immigrant Families

Retaining the professional services of an experienced West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can provide added help for immigrants seeking to be reunited with their children or those looking for added help in navigating the legal immigration process. A West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can provide expert representation and guidance to help clients with expired or invalid visas and potential problems with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the Border Patrol or any other federal agency. This can help families to feel more secure and to begin the process of starting over in the United States.

If you or any member of your family needs to consult with a qualified West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can provide the best options for your specific set of needs. Our team includes two former immigration prosecutors and a former judge, allowing us to access the most comprehensive knowledge and experience for your immigration case. We will work with you to determine the most effective and practical strategies for resolving your visa and residency issues quickly. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to discuss your situation with our team of legal experts. At Pozo Goldstein, we are committed to helping you and your family achieve the American dream.