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Arrests of Non-Criminal Immigrants Soar During Trump Administration

West Palm Beach Immigration Lawyers

Under the leadership of the Trump administration, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has increasingly targeted immigrants with no criminal record. As a result, more than 36 percent of the arrests made by ICE in December 2018 involved undocumented immigrants with no other criminal offenses on their records. This marks a milestone in the history of ICE as the lowest percentage of criminal arrests in all the years in which ICE has been collecting data on arrest categories.

A Significant Change in Focus

The previous administration had concentrated ICE efforts primarily on immigrants with significant criminal records. In the last month of Obama’s presidency, 82 percent of those arrested by ICE had a criminal record. This indicates the shift in focus that has occurred since Trump took office. By targeting immigrants who have committed no crime other than overstaying their visas or entering the U.S. without proper documentation, ICE has reduced their ability to apprehend the “bad hombres” that Trump proposed to focus on during his presidential campaign.

Help for the Most Vulnerable

For immigrants in our area, finding the right West Palm Beach immigration lawyers can often provide added help in dealing with issues with ICE and in taking on the abuses and excesses of the current administration. The right legal support is essential to promote the best possible outcomes for individuals and families who hope to remain in the U.S. legally and to resolve any issues with visa overstays and other legal entanglements.

Why You Need West Palm Beach Immigration Lawyers

Your West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can provide you with expert guidance and support on resolving issues with your visas, citizenship applications and other aspects of your immigration status. These dedicated legal professionals will work with you to determine the best approach for resolving your issues quickly and effectively.

At Pozo Goldstein, we have assembled the best team for resolving immigration issues in the most positive ways possible. Our legal experts include a former judge and two former prosecutors in the immigration field. We will work with you to identify the best approach for your legal issues and to resolve your problems as quickly as possible. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to schedule a in-office consultation with our legal team. We look forward to the chance to help you and your family pursue your own version of the famous American dream