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Florida Sanctuary City Deportation Laws in Florida

Florida Sanctuary City Deportation Laws

Two Bills That May Become Florida Sanctuary City Deportation Laws Pose New Risks for Florida Immigrants

Protesters gathered outside the Florida Capitol Building on March 26, 2019, to oppose two pending pieces of legislation related to Florida sanctuary city deportation laws . Senate Bill 168 and House Bill 527 both contain provisions that would prevent municipal areas in the state of Florida from claiming sanctuary city status. The legislation also includes requirements for local law enforcement agencies to comply with all federal requests to detain immigrants for deportation. If the bills are passed by the House and the Senate, they could present added risks and hardships for immigrants in Florida.

Added Incentives for Racial Profiling on Florida Sanctuary City Deportation Laws

Immigration advocates believe that the  two bills are designed to create incentives for racial profiling among local law enforcement agencies if they become Florida sanctuary city deportation laws. By requiring that these organizations share information with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and other federal agencies, the new legislation would produce added risks for immigrants in the state and could lead to extreme hardships for families living and working in the United States. For immigrants worried about the possible effects of this new legislation, seeking the help of a West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can often provide a way to resolve issues with visas and immigration status.

Families Separated by Deportation

Many undocumented immigrants already avoid contact with law enforcement agencies because of fears of deportation. This limits the ability of these vulnerable individuals to seek help when they are being victimized by others or are the targets of violent crime. For many families, the risks of deportation can be much more frightening than the dangers posed by criminals. This unwillingness to seek the help of law enforcement can pose additional risks not only to the immigrants in question but also to the general public when criminals go unprosecuted.

If you need the help of a qualified and knowledgeable West Palm Beach immigration lawyer, Pozo Goldstein can provide you with the expert help and representation needed to resolve your immigration issues quickly and effectively. We work with you to find the right solutions for your situation. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to set up a in-office consultation with our team. We look forward to the opportunity to serve you.