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Senate Republicans Taking Passive Stance Regarding Immigration Reform

West Palm Beach Immigration

Mitch McConnell and other leading Republicans in the Senate have demonstrated an unwillingness to challenge President Donald Trump on a wide range of issues. Immigration is a hot topic that has inspired a lot of discussion over the past few years. In a recent interview, McConnell indicated that he does not wish to engage in extended discussion about immigration. Instead, it appears that he and other members of the GOP intend to accept Trump’s positions without raising any objections or taking action on behalf of their constituents.

Acquiescence on Immigration Issues

McConnell specifically indicated that if immigration bills not approved by the Trump administration passed the U.S. House of Representatives and made their way to the Senate, he would not allow these bills to come to a vote on the Senate floor. This marks a new era of obstructionism by the Republican leadership and an unwillingness to take on the real issues of immigration reform now or in the near future. Immigrants looking for solutions for visa issues and other problems with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) can often benefit by consulting with a West Palm Beach immigration lawyer.

Survival in a Hostile Environment

Working with the right West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can provide assistance when dealing with a wide range of immigration issues, including the following:

  • Accessing educational opportunities for minor children of undocumented immigrants
  • Acquiring a green card and the right to work in the U.S. legally
  • Finding affordable housing options
  • Dealing with transportation requirements
  • Overcoming language and cultural barriers
  • Managing health care needs

Your West Palm Beach immigration lawyer can offer expert advice on the legal aspects of these issues and the best ways to approach challenges when pursuing your new life in the United States.

At Pozo Goldstein, we can provide you with the right West Palm Beach immigration lawyer to resolve any current issues and to avoid future problems with ICE and other federal agencies. Our team consists of dedicated legal experts that include a former judge and two former attorneys for the prosecution in immigration court. These experienced individuals can offer the benefit of their proven experience and knowledge of the courtroom process to ensure the best possible outcomes for you and your family. Call us today at 561-578-4977 to set up a free initial in-office consultation with our office. We look forward to the opportunity to even the playing field for you and your family throughout the immigration process.